Helping Direct Primary Care Practices

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Now you can purchase our complete DPC Manual, full chapters, specific chapters, or individual files!
Purchase the Complete Manual
The complete manual contains chapters of Compliance, Intra Office Workflow, Physicians Workflow, Templates, and Advertising your practice. Each chapter is filled with all the subchapters and individual files for each subchapter you’ll need to run a direct primary care office.
$610 plus tax
$500 plus tax
$100 plus tax
$100 plus tax
$0.61 plus tax
$50 plus tax
Purchase Individual Chapters
The Compliance chapter, alone, has sub-chapters for CDC, CLIA, Employee, HIPAA and OSHA and all the requirements associated with each section.

Purchase Individual Files
Many of the chapters contain files that can be purchased individually. Other chapters have the files available to purchase in bulk. If the individual file has a link, you will be able to purchase it separately.
See What’s in Our Manual Before you Purchase
For your convenience, click on the buttons below to read each chapter’s introduction.

To view the entire Table of Contents for the manual, click the button below.
“This manual will save you hours and hours of work”
— Dr. Kimberly Legg-Corba, D.O.
The Importance of Each Chapter
CDC: Why spend time searching VIS’s, protocol for storage and monitoring of vaccines while in the refrigerator? Which thermometer should I use, how to I track temps for safe vaccine storage? It’s all here.
CLIA: What is a waived test? You could spend hours on the phone with your state agency and then have to write a policy….
Employee: What is the difference between a contract and agreement when hiring? Employee Agreements do not require annual renewal like a contract; a template for that is provided here. Contracts do, and they cost $$ to get.
HIPAA: Unfortunately, we do have to pay attention to HIPAA. Dennis Hursh, a healthcare attorney, modified some of the policies to apply to cloud-based EHR which most DPC offices are using. This takes some of the burden off the DPC office in some areas, but we do need to self-audit.
OSHA: This is also a necessary area of compliance. OSHA training can be obtained through other services but the other means of doing OSHA training quite often do not include the necessary forms required to make a binder of policies and procedures, or report an incident. Those needs are covered here.
Intra-Office Workflow and Physician Workflow:
Well-organized internal systems help efficiency for the entire office. The Intra-Office and Physician Workflow policies and procedures have been reviewed and approved by Dennis Hursh who provided his professional guidance in the development of this manual.
Templates and Advertising:
Templates provides examples for different aspects of patient communication. Some of these have already been shared on DPC Facebook groups so this chapter is included free with any chapter purchase and is priced appropriately so as not to break anyone’s bank! Advertising is a compilation of various content for social media, town halls, patient information, and other informational material. A good portion of the advertising content was created in conjunction with a marketing/social media consultant. Using content from either of these chapters can save hours of valuable time and may spark some new ideas to make it easier to develop new template and advertising ideas.
How our DPC Core Manual Will Benefit You and
Your Patients

More time for your patients
Remove the Insurance Companies from Your Office
Reduce the admin work
Simplify workflow
A physician who enters into the DPC model can find a lot of “admin” work falling into their lap, especially in the beginning when she/he might find that time could be better utilized in building a DPC practice and establishing great care with their patient-members. Once the insurance companies are removed from a DPC office, the internal work-flows change (in a great way because the practice is now YOURS) and sometimes it can take time to establish internal systems. But once a practice is up and running, well-structured systems only add to this wonderful medical model called Direct Primary Care!
A Final Note:
The documents in this manual provide links to augment the content of the docs themselves that can help answer additional questions and provide more information to supplement what is here.
Who to Contact When You Need Support
Fax: 610-530-4495
Kimberly Legg Corba, D.O.
Owner/Board Certified Family Physician
Green Hills Direct Family Care